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elektroKrono is a ion beam metrology platform that allows unprecedented access to ion beam parameters. With a variety of configurations, elektroKrono can function as a 1D or 2D beam faraday, an Allison scanner, a pepper pot, or other configurations depending on what is being measured. Common measurements are 1D or 2D beam uniformity, beam angle measurement, within-beam-angle measurement, and beam emittance. Automated controls built on Clockmaker allow for rapid measurements and calculation. Made entirely of high-vacuum compatible materials and with built-in water cooling, elektroKrono is suitable for use in most vacuum plasma equipment, such as ion implant, etch, PECVD, ash/strip, and assist.

The elektroKrono platform allows easy configuration to your application. Shown is a typical configuration we use in-house on one of our products.


- 1D/2D profilometry

- 1 tall faraday cup (1D), 100 kHz sample rate

- 7 segmented cups (2D), 6 kHz sample rate

- 880mm travel

- 5kW power handling at 50% duty cycle

- max travel velocity of 20 cm/sec

want to learn more? contact us.

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